Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Speech About Global Warming


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
The Excellency to ,,,
The Respectable to all my friends whom I love
                For the first time, let’s thanks to our God Allah SWT, the lord of the world. Do to the blessing of Allah, we can attend in this program, and because of his mercy, we can take part in this speech training.
                Secondly, shalawat and salam, may always be presented to our prophet Muhammad SAW.
                Ok friends, now here I would like to present may speech by the tittle “Global Warming”. By the way, do you know global warming? In my opinion, global warming is continuing rise in the average of atmosphere. Why global warming can happen?  I think, global warming can happen because of there are many factories, illegal loggings, produce too much carbon dioxide, etc.
                And my question is, how to reduce global warming? Ok, I’ll give you several manner to reduce global warming.
                First, consume local fresh groceries. Do you that, if we consume local groceries, we don’t need more transportation and it means that we reduce burn of fuels. And the second, we also don’t need refrigerator because the groceries still fresh. And it means that we reduce of CFC. Do you know CFC? CFC is Cloro Fluoro Carbon. It is like the dangerous material because it can broke our ozon.
                Second, we use bioplastic. I think it is so familiar, right? Bioplastics is plastic as general, but the material from biological material. Different with plastics from fuels, that undegredable. It’s so dangerous for aur earth.
                And third is, may be we can suggest the government to make the rules about giving fully subsidized for public transportation. Think about if public transportation is free, there are many people to use it. And i’m sure if it heppen, no traffic jam in Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, and other places. Think about our healthy. We will be healthier because we more walking. We don’t need visit to clinic, doctor’s office, and hospital. And in the important one is, our mioney, just stay cool in our wallets, right?
                And the last but no the last, we can take responsibility to motor vehicle manufacturers. If they want to produce one motor vehicle, they also plant five trees. Do you know that, motor vehicle can give up to 70 % of air pollution. And the trees, can produce oxygen that can clean the air, absorb carbon dioxide, and etc. I think, it is like the balancing of live.
                Ok friends, I think enough. I hope, my speech can give more information for you, for me, and for us. And the next, I want to say that,            WE ARE AS THE NEXT GENERATION, HAVE TO KEEP AOUR EARTH, KEEP OUR ENVIRONMENT, KEEP OUR WORLD BY REDUCE GLOBAL WARMING. Ok  next, I say good bye and cherioo.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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